Tiny Dried Shrimp to Order

Dried shrimp is a very tasty protein product that has a very good price in small varieties and can be used to prepare delicious food. The order to buy tiny dried shrimp is done from a reputable seller of this product in the country, and buyers can access this product very easily and cheaply. And because it has very good packaging, it can also be used for export to many countries and the cheap domestic rate guarantees the trade profit of this shrimp.

Tiny Dried Shrimp to Order

How Do You Make Dried Salted Shrimp?

How Do You Make Dried Salted Shrimp?

There are several ways to prepare dry salted tiny shrimp, which we will briefly mention a few:

The first method: Put fresh shrimp with skin and head with a lot of salt in boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. After the shrimp turns orange after we cook the shrimp, we drain it and let it sunbathe well, and it must be moved every day so that each side is completely dry and uniform, then When it is well dried, to clean it, we wrap it in a cloth and gently tap it on the ground so that its dried skin can be easily separated from the meat.

The second method: Boil shrimp with salt and water and pour it in a large basket and hang it from somewhere and sprinkle some salt on it and dry it in the sun.

Third method: Pour the shrimp into a large frying pan and fry for 5 to 10 minutes with a little salt sprinkled on it, and then put it in the sun to dry.

Tiny Dried Shrimp First Hand Supplier

Tiny Dried Shrimp First Hand Supplier

Tiny dried shrimp: The first hand supplier has offered the best of this product at a very reasonable price for major buyers, and those who need this product for export can contact this supplier directly, and thus their needs Raise with him and announce your order.

Buying from a first-hand supplier of this product has many advantages, and this helps buyers to provide this product very easily and cheaply, and thus do not involve intermediaries in their business.

Purchasing from these tiny shrimp suppliers is possible without any restrictions and customers can request this product for themselves anytime and anywhere without being present at the place of supply, and with the export packaging of this product, they can also export it to many countries.

Customers of this product are mostly exporters to other countries, and because the price of this shrimp is much cheaper than larger samples, they can easily market it, and this product, which is completely dry and can be used for a long time to offer to other markets that as a result of selling with non-Iranian money can make a very good profit from this transaction

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