fregola sarda recipe shrimp

This Sarda meal has both aromatic and pleasant aspects thanks to the combination of soft shrimp slices cooked in tomato sauce, Fergola Sarda Hot, which is a form of roasted round pasta and fresh celery added as the final touch.

The addition of sauce represents the final stage in the preparation of spaghetti. To change the taste of the dough, a soft sphere made of mascarponic can be added which helps to improve the taste. He is the one who gives it, so to speak, unique personality.


The preparation process includes the following steps and activities:

Before you put the butter for use, take it out of the fridge and let it have room temperature for a while. After the salt water is poured over a large pot, the pan must be covered, carried in high heat, and brought into a boil.

Cleaning and drying new foods is the first step in the process of preparing them for consumption. Then you cut the gourd in half, and then slowly cut it down through the vegetables.

Because of this, the squash cooks more regularly. Before they were mixed, there were two garlic cloves, each of which had been peeled and ground to the ground before they were combined.

He cut the tomatoes in half length and width and put them aside. Remove the leaves from the celery stalks and release them before chopping the stalks into large chunks that look like dice.

Prepare your gourd in the following way to extract the best flavor of it:

In a large tank, heat a tablespoon of olive oil to enough temperature that it can be formatted, and then turn heat into environment (preferably non-wood). To avoid forming large vegetable masses, convert the zucchini into thin slices and add it into two separate categories.

After the food is prepared for three to four minutes without disturbances, it can be made with salt and pepper. Keep sorting it and getting it ready for a minute or two to go soft. However, mixing cooking should continue.

If you want to keep the food warm, put it in a dish and cover it with aluminum foil. This will keep it from getting cold. Clean the pot or pan you use to cook it.

Make sure the spaghetti is ready by doing it this way:

The spaghetti while still cooking must have a hard slice while in the pot to stop the cooking process. If you wash it thoroughly in cold water first, you should be able to get rid of the excess starch that it contains.

Put the pasta in the cooking pot with the water that is boiling and make it several times during the cooking process. Cover and stay calm for 5 minutes.

Get some rest and easy to rest before going on. Before it can return, the pot must be cleaned as much as possible from any available material. The more you cover your body, the more likely it will be to conserve heat.

First, start by bringing shrimp to boil and preparing sauce in the following way:

At this point, you have to dry shrimp by caressing them with paper towels while you continue with the previous step (if desired, remove the demixes).

You can make it for the taste with salt and pepper. It is strongly suggested that you melt the butter in the same pan you used before, while keeping heat in the medium environment.

You have complete control over the surface by determining how many small pieces of red pepper are crushed and by crushing garlic to add it to this dish. To soften it slightly, let it cook for thirty seconds to a minute while constantly shaking it.

This work must be done in order to achieve the desired result. After adding some shrimp, a lot of spices, half of tomatoes, and some chopped celery, all the ingredients are produced to distribute the whole thing evenly. The shrimp will be perfectly clear after it’s cooked for only a minute or two.

This makes them opaque. Including some tomato paste in the mixture may be useful for creating overall flavor. Using a circular motion that is fully stationary for the first minute all components are fully combined (may take up to two minutes at most).

Salt and pepper should be added to the feed after the food is carefully added to a quarter of the water cup and is closely monitored.

The shrimp must be cooked at high temperatures for one to two minutes, during which it must be delivered at regular intervals. The shrimp will stop when they become opaque.

Get some rest and easy to rest before going on. First, the feta has to be divided into smaller pieces, then it has to be added to the feed, and finally, everything has to be completely combined.

To complete the fifth stage, you have to cook and serve the spaghetti.

After the cooking is finished, the pasta must be empty and then placed in a large bowl. After that, go to Mascarpone and follow the squash, continue mixing until everything is connected.

Then continue your journey to find someone who can fit you as a companion. After the flavor is created, you can choose the amount of salt and pepper to add to it based on the taste profile you prefer. This allows you to customize the feed according to your will.

After he finished cooking pasta, he divided it between dishes and then added shrimp and sauce to every serving. Enjoy!

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