The best prawns Main Suppliers

Shrimp fishing by special nets is dried in a completely hygienic process, which can be used as a snack or as a complete meal. For information on the best companies producing dry The best prawns , you can refer to reputable sites.

The best prawns Main Suppliers

How much is 1 kg of prawns?

How much is 1 kg of prawns?

Shrimp as a food rich in protein, iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorus and contains vitamin B and vitamin D. Among the foods that can be cooked with shrimp can be grilled shrimp, fried shrimp, shrimp stew and… Shrimp is present both in the salty and fresh waters of the sea and can be produced by farming methods.

Shrimp as a useful and useful aquatic has many properties, here are some of them: effective for bone health and strength, strengthens the immune system, prevents premature aging, rich in omega-3 It is essential for the health of the body, plays an important role in the health of teeth and bones, regulates the body’s hormones, prevents prostate cancer and has anti-cancer properties in general, regulates brain function and increases memory power.

It strengthens the heart and prevents high blood pressure. how to cook prawns has many beneficial properties, but some people are allergic to it and may experience problems such as itching, hives, nausea, and so on.

Main Suppliers of The best prawns

Main Suppliers of The best prawns

Shrimp is a very tasty seafood and has a special popularity among the people, which in addition to good taste; This food has many therapeutic properties and importance that its continuous consumption can help people with heart disease, but the increase in its price in recent years has made many people can not afford to buy shrimp.

But in the meantime, there are sales centers that offer shrimp for export at reasonable prices to buyers, or it is better to go to the southern markets of the country to buy properly. Contrary to its name, King Shrimp is not a type of shrimp.

Lobster or King Shrimp has a variable price that you can refer to the shrimp shopping sites to know the price of King Shrimp on the day. It is exported to other countries in high diversity, but it is a misconception that only large and high quality shrimp can be exported to other countries, but shrimp exports are selected based on the taste of the applicant country and also the quality of the export.

It is interesting to know that all shrimps in the Iranian market are divided into four general categories, which are; Shrimp with head, shrimp without head, creamy garlic prawns with cleaned veins, shrimp ready to cook. Ordering all the mentioned shrimps is possible only through production companies.

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