Highest quality prawns domestic market

Cheap wholesale shrimp can be sold by authorities such as fishermen, breeders, commercial companies, agencies and wholesale stores of Highest quality prawns and fish in metropolitan areas. Its producers and breeders in the south of the country, such as the cities of Abadan and Bushehr.

Highest quality prawns domestic market

Why eating prawns is good?

Why eating prawns is good?

What shrimp are used as food is the flesh of the body, but in some cultures other parts of the shrimp are also used for food. These small marine animals, in addition to large marine creatures, also have many health properties for you dear bipeds, because of the nutrients and usefulness in them.

For those who are looking for a diet rich in carbohydrates, shrimp can be a good option because shrimp have no trace of carbohydrates and are very low in calories. It can be said that there are 1 calorie per 1 gram of shrimp. Shrimp can be considered a set of water, protein and a small amount of fat.

Apart from the above, shrimp contain very useful nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. The most important antioxidant in shrimp is astaxanthin. By eating prawns nutrition, you can get minerals such as iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and potassium along with vitamin A, vitamin E and even vitamin B12.

Shrimp are also a rich source of iodine, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. People with iodine deficiency should use shrimp as an iodine replacement. Shrimp are also a good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In the following, we will refer to the properties of shrimp.

Domestic market of Highest quality prawns

Domestic market of Highest quality prawns

For the sale of any product, especially the sale of food products such as shrimp and fish, obtaining the necessary licenses from organizations and authorities under the reason, the reason for compliance with laws and regulations by sellers and their importance to the health of consumers. You can buy cheap shrimp through major stores that produce and sell it online in various cities.

The main advantages of selling shrimp online can be easy shopping, avoiding wasting time, shopping at any hour of the day, delivering the product to any part of the country and free shipping. prawns benefits in pregnancy is a crustacean that is a popular seafood and has many properties including iodine, calcium, protein and etc . It is also a good option for the elderly due to its soft cooking time.

In general, due to the many properties of shrimp, a good market has been created for the export of this product. And most of the shrimp are sold in the areas around the Persian Gulf. Of course, there are shrimp sales agencies in other cities, so you can easily access quality shrimp.

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