Highest quality dried shrimp Domestic production

The up-to-date and new price of Highest quality dried shrimp is so favorable that in other markets, you will not see such cheap costs. The latest and original prices of these products are determined carefully enough, but it must be said that the tariffs available in this way may change at any time.

Highest quality dried shrimp Domestic production

How do you dry shrimp before cooking?

How do you dry shrimp before cooking?

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Add the lemon juice and black pepper and mix. Close the container and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Prepare puffed shrimp liquid by mixing flour, eggs, yogurt, saffron, baking powder and salt (the liquid should not be too hard or loose, if the liquid hardens by adding a little yogurt and if it loosens by adding flour Make it) Then take the shrimp out of the onion juice and pour it into the liquid, mix it and put it in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

When one side is golden, turn the shrimp until the other side is golden, and the heat should be such that the oil does not burn. We take the scales of the shrimp, pour the oil in a suitable pan, and fry the shrimp with a little oil until it turns just pink. One to two minutes is enough to fry it. Chop all the spices with lemon juice and green pepper, mix the crushed garlic and half a glass of water and pour over the shrimp.

Turn down the heat and let the shrimp boil once or twice and the spices are absorbed. It should be noted that cooking shrimp should not take too long, because the more cooked dried shrimp uses, the harder it becomes. Then we arrange the shrimps in a regular dish and put the remaining sauce in the dish on them. Sprinkle chopped coriander on it.

Domestic production for Highest quality dried shrimp

Domestic production for Highest quality dried shrimp

Fresh shrimp for sale is offered in all our stores and you dear ones can buy it with good price and suitable quality and be sure of the health of our product. You can visit our stores in person or register your order online or by phone in absentia. We are waiting for you in our stores, dear customers. Buyers and consumers to prepare shrimp can refer to the how to use dried shrimp sales centers on reputable online sites and have the best purchase in the shortest possible time.

Internet shopping centers are important centers for the exchange of all kinds of products and consumer goods, which today many people around the world use to buy and sell their products. Online sales of shrimp on related sites, allow buyers to see the product they want with different quality, price and brands and to buy according to their needs and costs.

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