Dried shrimp Wholesale Supplier

As you know, shrimp is one of the most popular seafood that is both caught from the sea and produced in fish farms. Dried shrimp, also called fried shrimp, in addition to Iran, is widely consumed in Asian, European and Persian Gulf countries, and because of its extraordinary properties and benefits, it is known as an expensive seafood such as caviar. Which is also produced in our country.

Dried shrimp Wholesale Supplier

Is dried shrimp good for you?

Is dried shrimp good for you? Buying dried shrimp is very popular these days. This type of shrimp product, which is made by drying fresh shrimp, is to increase its availability and high shelf life. Buying dried shrimp can be valuable for many people in a variety of situations. Here we bring you all the knowledge you need to know to buy dried shrimp.

Shrimp is a delicious seafood that has been consumed for thousands of years and has become very popular due to its excellent food source and health benefits. This delicious seafood has many properties such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, sodium, phosphorus as well as vitamins A, B and E, which makes proper functioning as an excellent source of important nutrients. It is also low in fat and contains zero carbohydrates.

By buying dried shrimp, you can transfer its unique taste in your food types. Dried shrimp can be eaten dry, which is a popular luxury snack, and soaked in a variety of soups, pilaf, grilled and…. use. Buying dried shrimp is especially suitable for people who have difficulty eating red meat and people who are sensitive to the smell of seafood. Because these shrimps are very tasty and do not have any smell and are rich in iron.

Bulk supplying of dried shrimp

Bulk supplying of dried shrimp Different types of shrimp in different sizes have the ability to become dry shrimp. But finer shrimp are usually used to preserve its texture. Shrimps that are taken to processing plants for drying are skinned and skinned. The higher the quality and size of the shrimp, the more expensive it is.

Dried shrimp are very popular, especially in Asian countries. In our country, the expansion of this nutrient due to its high availability can increase the per capita consumption of fish in the country. If dried shrimp are properly dried, they can be stored for 3-6 months. It is true that dried shrimp can be stored out of the refrigerator, but it is better to keep them in the refrigerator to maintain quality.

Dried shrimp for cooking and Vannamei shrimp, squid, dried meth fish, and codfish can be obtained from us with the best quality and the most appropriate price.

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