Dried Shrimp Meat for Wholesale

The best-dried shrimp meat is provided for buyers in bulk, and those who intend to buy this product in bulk can contact us directly and be well informed of the current price of this product. Major buyers and exporters can contact this manufacturer and order this product in packaged form and use it for export or supply, and because the producer price is very cheap, the profit from its trade is also abundant.

Dried Shrimp Meat for Wholesale

How Are Dried Shrimp Made?

How Are Dried Shrimp Made?

Many people mistakenly dry the shrimp directly, which makes it darker. To do this correctly, we must first boil or steam the shrimp. In order to prevent the tissue from drying out and becoming brittle, add 3% water to it. Add 30 grams of salt in 1 liter of water, then add freshly washed shrimp to the combination of boiling water and salt.

For dried shrimp making, the boiling time depends on the texture and dimensions of the shrimp. It should be boiled for about 5 to 10 minutes which changes its color and takes on a beautiful orange color, then we moisten it in a napkin. It dries either traditionally in the sun or in home dryer. we recommend a home dryer because it is not exposed to soil and insects.

In the solar drying method, we spread the shrimps in a net-like layer in the sun for a few days and transfer them to the home environment at the end of the evening when the sunlight is reduced so that moisture does not penetrate to its surface. After moistening the shrimps, we put them on the drying plates.

Dried Shrimp Meat for Sale

Dried Shrimp Meat for Sale

The sale of dried shrimp meat is mainly offered to customers in the wholesale of this product, and the major buyers can order it for themselves through this wholesale; the sale of this meat has a very good market, especially in the Middle East and Europe countries, and its sale in various foreign currencies such as dollars and dirhams makes the exporter a very good profit from the trade of this meat. Our high quality product is being offered to these markets in the shortest possible time, and the profit from the trade of this product will be significant for our business partners.

The dried shrimp sale is done in bulk and online, and through this, it is possible to order the product easily and in the shortest time. You can also request this product easily and in a few minutes, where ever you are, by calling the seller. Do not hesitate to leave your contact information so our experts make a contact with you as soon as possible.

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