Dried shrimp Domestic production in 2020

Because shrimp have a longer shelf life, the best freshly raised shrimp are dried and sold in the market for people to buy. The best shrimp are prepared in the form of farming and after the drying process, they are marketed in order to increase the shelf life of these shrimps without losing their properties and to export them to other parts of the world. To buy this dried shrimp, people can order intrusive, venipuncture, or other types by visiting the market or reputable sales sites. Shrimp is full of substances that are very useful for the body and in the treatment and follow-up of many diseases.

Dried shrimp Domestic production in 2020

The benefits of eating dried shrimp

The benefits of eating dried shrimp As mentioned above, shrimp is high in iron and phosphorus and therefore very useful for the growth and children and the health of pregnant women. Of course, these fish have very little mercury, which is why eating it during pregnancy is not only harmful but also very beneficial.

Of course, shrimp is high in selenium and antioxidants and is useful in preventing cancer. Of course, the amount of vitamin B12 in this fish is very high and can meet the needs of the body. Of course, mothers who eat dried shrimp fried rice during pregnancy are said to have intelligent children, and the unsaturated fatty acids in shrimp are anti-inflammatory and prevent bronchitis.

Also, consuming dried shrimp skin during pregnancy prevents mothers from suffering from anemia, and this water has a lot of protein and is very effective in fetal growth.

Domestic demand for dried shrimp

Domestic demand for dried shrimp The wholesale price of fresh dried shrimp can also be purchased through companies that transport the captured products directly from ports to the consumer market. In Bandar Abbas, along the coast, you will encounter companies and fishermen who catch fresh dried shrimp and sell it to consumers and other buyers without intermediaries, which is reasonably priced.

This product will affect the price of shrimp and the purchase of shrimp due to the products of farming and seafood. Therefore, although sea shrimp differs from farming in terms of price, its quality is much better and more useful than other similar products that are produced as farming.

The best producers of dried shrimp, if we want to examine the countries active in this field, we can mention countries such as Canada, Thailand, Vietnam, USA, China, India, Sweden, and Iran. After understanding the market of aquatic products, Iran is now the fourth-largest producer of these products, especially shrimp, and has been able to take significant measures to increase the production of aquatic and farming products with scientific methods.

To introduce Iran as a top producer in this field and Bushehr as the top production center and the best producer of dried shrimp in the Iranian market is in the top position of production of this product.

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