Canadian Farmed Shrimp Distribution centers

Canadian Farmed Shrimp  is one of the best shrimp in the world right now. Shrimp have swum backwards. They are highly resistant to toxins in contaminated areas, and shrimp have been widely used by humans as food, and like other seafood, shrimp are rich in calcium, iodine, and protein. 122 to 251 mg of cholesterol (depending on the method of preparation). Consumption of shrimp has been evaluated due to its effect on the healthy human circulatory system.

Canadian Farmed Shrimp Distribution centers

Canadian Farmed Shrimp popularity

Canadian Farmed Shrimp popularity		Original shrimp with the name canadian shrimp brand. It is known to be one of the most popular species of shrimp. Canadians are very interested in this type of shrimp. There are many properties of shrimp that we will mention:

1- Antihypertensive

Shrimp is a source of fatty acids from the omega-3 family, which helps control blood pressure. Of course, it is recommended that this food be cooked with a minimum of oil and salt when cooking, in which case it will be a good option for lowering blood pressure levels, because frying it in oil will add more calories to the body and increase weight. Causes of high blood pressure.

2- Anti-anemia

People who do not eat red meat for a variety of reasons are more likely to develop iron deficiency anemia, and since eating 100 grams of shrimp provides 19 percent of the nutrient requirement, it is best not to eat meat. Red include shrimp in their daily diet.

3- Good source of protein and cholesterol

Contrary to popular belief, shrimp do not raise cholesterol because comparative studies between two diets with eggs and shrimp have shown that a shrimp diet increases the level of bad cholesterol by 7% and the level of good cholesterol by 12%, while the diet of egg yolk increases cholesterol levels. It raises the bad by 10% and the level of good cholesterol by 7%.

Canadian Farmed Shrimp Price List

Canadian Farmed Shrimp Price List	Marine products such as shrimp, due to their nature, may spoil and deteriorate due to weather conditions such as temperature, altitude or other normal conditions, or during transit. Accordingly, such goods deserve more attention in order to reach their destination with good conditions. These products must be stored in good conditions in terms of temperature and light before loading on the aircraft and after unloading from the aircraft. Observance of hygienic principles is very important and vital in all stages of fish and shrimp handling. The temperature required for fresh fish and shrimp should be between zero and 5 degrees Celsius, and for frozen fish and shrimp it should be below -12 degrees Celsius. Refrigerated containers should be used for fish, shrimp and other seafood. in shrimp hatchery canada It is booming dramatically.

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