Best Sea Shrimp Varieties

The best Sea Shrimp can be prepared in different ways with wonderful flavors. It is noteworthy that these products are also offered in various forms. In any case, buying delicious seafood shrimp can be done in bulk and at reasonable prices.

Of course, shrimp come in a variety of sizes, with the smaller ones being bought for pilaf cooking and the larger ones being used to make chips or stews.

Best Sea Shrimp Varieties

What is the Best Sea Shrimp?

What is the Best Sea Shrimp?	Shrimp are among the best types of crustaceans that live in saltwater and freshwater, and are divided into two categories: saltwater freshwater shrimp, each of which has its own unique characteristics.

In our homeland, Iran, the only freshwater shrimp is imported from the freshwater species and is bred at a very limited level in the west of the country.

The main difference between this species of shrimp (or king shrimp) and marine shrimp and saltwater farming (Vanami species) is that it has long claws in Iran and also that it can be grown in non-coastal pools and farms.

deep sea shrimp in Iran are caught only in the southern waters of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, and in all four southern provinces, and are used in a variety of species.

But in the breeding industry, we only have a species that is not native to Iran, but its production and expansion of domestic and export consumption is currently about six times that of marine extraction, and its production is still increasing every year.

 It is interesting to know that this type of breeding is also present along with the waters of the Caspian Sea in the northern province of Golestan and is cultivated like the south by the sea and by pumping sea water in farms connected to the coast.

Iranian sea shrimp are more attractive in terms of taste and color, especially in Bushehr. They have higher prices in most years and seasons of the year (and of course in equal sizes). And these differences will vary from 30 percent to 100 percent.

Where to Buy the best Sea Shrimp?

Where to Buy the best Sea Shrimp? The best sea shrimp can be purchased in different sizes and with wonderful flavors in different ways. It is noteworthy that sea shrimp are also offered in different forms. In any case, buying delicious and delicious seafood shrimp can be purchased in bulk and at reasonable prices. They are often offered as follows:

Fresh shrimp

Shrimp with skin

Shrimp cleaned and peeled

Frozen shrimp

Cooked shrimp

You can easily get any of these products now. Of course, shrimp come in a variety of sizes, including small shrimp for pilaf and large shrimp for stew and chips.

Sea Shrimp Market

Sea Shrimp Market The wholesale center of the shrimp market is very prosperous due to reasonable prices.

Buying cheap shrimp in the seaside markets has attracted many buyers to these malls. Generally, the main sellers of this product, in order to sell more, launch online sales sites on the Internet, and by creating special sales conditions such as incredible periodic discounts and free shipping, they have achieved more sales of this product.

The best type of shrimp produced in Iran generally sells more than other shrimp. deep sea shrimp bioluminescence have more properties and taste better than farmed shrimp in the country. In addition to selling more in domestic markets, Bushehr shrimp are also considered for export to foreign countries annually, which has contributed to the growth of the country’s export economy.

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