Trade and export, the best type of anchovy fish for export

Introducing the best type of anchovy fish for export

As indicated by the name of the anchovy, this fish belongs to the family of anchovy fish, which means small fish. The Latin name for anchovy fish is anchovy fish or sprats fish, which are caught in many countries and in Iran, and are one of the famous fish that live in the waters of the Persian Gulf. This fish is caught abundantly in the southern regions of the country, especially in the waters of the islands of Bushehr, Hormozgan, Bandar Lengeh, and Qeshm. The method of catching anchovy fish differs from other fish, and considering that the movement of this fish is collective, the hunting of this fish is done as a herd and special nets are used to catch it. Although this fish is small in size, it tastes very tasty, is very nutritious, and is great in its nutritional value and Omega 3. The color of the anchovy fish at the time of fishing is silver and a mixture of blue which looks very beautiful. The body of the fish is very transparent so the soft bone of this fish is clearly defined and has an average length of between 3 and 9 cm. This fish has different uses and is processed in different ways according to its specific uses. In addition to the domestic consumption of anchovy fish in Iran, they are also exported to other countries.

Due to the excellent quality of anchovy fish in Iran and the large volume of orders from various countries for this fish, Iran is one of the active exporters in this field, which will be discussed in detail in the continuation of the discussion in this article on the production and export of this product and its benefits paid.

Introducing the best type of anchovy fish for export


Methods for producing the best dried anchovy fish

Methods of producing and consuming anchovy fish vary greatly in different parts of the world. Therefore, this type of fish is processed and produced in various ways after catching it.

In general, the processing and packaging methods of this product are divided into three different ways:

– Using fresh anchovy fish

– Production of canned fish

– Use dried

In this article, methods of production and consumption of dry anchovy fish from fishing to harvesting are discussed. One of the common ways to dry this fish is in the traditional way, which is done under direct sunlight and in the open air, and the only preservative is natural salt. In this way, after the anchovy fish have been caught, they are dipped with or without salt in special vats and dried quite naturally under the sun in certain places. Anchovy fish are spread on special nets. Depending on where the drying takes place, there are two types of flights and overland tours. Land nets are used in areas where the ground and the place to dry fish are rocky, that is, the ground is hard and without soil. In other areas, air nets are used to dry anchovy fish, which are placed at a distance of one meter from the ground with special bases. Depending on the air temperature, dry anchovy fish are harvested after two to three days when dryness and moisture reach an acceptable level.

The dried anchovy fish are collected in special bags and then transported to special warehouses for packaging and storage there. The air temperature in the warehouse varies depending on how long the fish has been stored. In times when the anchovy fish are kept in the warehouse for only a few days for packaging, the room temperature will be around 18-20 degrees, but if the anchovy fish need to be kept in the warehouse for a longer period, they should be at a lower temperature and kept in the refrigerator.

Another method of producing dry anchovy fish, similar to that of dried shrimp, is an industrial or semi-industrial method, in which this fish is first placed in boiling water for a limited time and then, like the traditional production method, on the ground or air nets. exposed to direct light. Dry in the sun and outdoors or in a warehouse environment.


Methods for producing the best dried anchovy fish


Exporting the best type of anchovy fish

One of the advantages of dry anchovy production, in addition to consuming this fish in the country, is the export of this fish, as a large amount of this fish is exported to other countries. Among the countries that import this fish from Iran are Sri Lanka, Russia, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the UAE, and Qatar.

As mentioned earlier, according to the production and processing methods of anchovies, this product is exported in three different ways:

– Exporting raw and frozen anchovies

– Exporting canned anchovies and sardines

– Export of dry anchovies

The production, packaging, and export of these raw and frozen fish, as well as canned anchovies and sardines, have special methods that will be discussed in detail in the following articles. One of the common methods of producing anchovies is to process and package this product in dried form. Therefore, due to the high demand of various countries for dried anchovies, the majority of anchovy exports from Iran are in dried form. Dry anchovies are produced in two forms, salted and salted, and are divided into two types, first grade, and second grade. The difference between first and second-grade anchovies lies in the quality of the fish and also in the amount of salt added to the fish. The salt content is 2% for dry anchovies of the first grade and 4% for dry anchovies of the second grade. Dry anchovies are considered first-grade for human consumption, and due to their high nutritional value, they are mostly used in seafood production in various models. The second type of dried anchovies is widely used for non-human uses, including the production of dry fishmeal, which is one of the raw materials in the production of fish food and farmed shrimp, as well as for the production of fish oil and agricultural fertilizers as well as pharmaceutical and industrial uses.

Exporting the best type of anchovy fish


Best price of dried anchovies for export

Seafood consumption is very common in most countries, and due to the high price of this type of food, it has its own fans. Dry anchovies, which are used in the production of most seafood in various models, have attracted the attention of countless seafood consumers in various countries due to their unique nutritional value. The price of dry anchovies is quite affordable compared to other marine products, in addition, it has great nutritional value. This has made seafood lovers in different parts of the world take advantage of this product.

Therefore, according to the many advantages of dried anchovies discussed in this article, it can be noted that the domestic consumption and export of this product are important for the producers of this product annually in terms of financial value and investment in processing. It is very useful and satisfying in both traditional and modern ways.

Morvish Company is one of the active companies in the production of dried anchovies for first and second grade. This company prides itself on using individuals with impressive experience in the production of this product, to provide the best possible quality in both first and second-grade modes of production to customers and businesses that require this product.

It should be noted that Morvish Company has many years of experience in producing and exporting products such as first-grade dried shrimp and first-grade dried anchovies to different countries.

The distinguishing features of Morvish compared to other seafood manufacturing companies:

–        Excellent product quality as requested by the applicant

–        Customer satisfaction and commitment to commitments

–        Full-time response to customer requests

–        Free advice for domestic and foreign applicants to choose the right product and local and international transportation methods

–        Orders delivery in the shortest possible time

–        Premium quality packaging

–        Sending and delivering the goods to the customer’s desired destination or a place easily accessible, as requested by the applicant.

Most importantly, in addition to fulfilling commitments in terms of product quality, packaging, and domestic and international shipping systems, the final price of the product is the most suitable price for local companies and those export customers.

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