Superb Vannamei Shrimp Market size

As a matter of fact, superb vannamei shrimp has a sweet and delicious taste and a firm structure, and are a very rich source of protein to the full. In addition, they are grayish white and turn pink when cooked too. Besides, the major producer countries of Penaeus vannamei are: China, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, India, and even Philippines particularly. vannamei shrimp farming is also important in producing Vannamei shrimp.

Superb Vannamei Shrimp Market size

The benefits of eating Vannamei Shrimp

The benefits of eating Vannamei Shrimp


In fact, vannamei white shrimp has a lot of benefits which are such as:

  • Help for weight loss:

Surely, the calories in shrimp are few while the protein and nutrient counts are ample too. Besides, consuming nutrient-dense and have protein foods is steadily couraged for weight loss along with keeping healthy, lean body mass.

  • Keeping eye health:

In fact, Astaxanthin has proven to be quite a valuable player in keeping good eye health, consist of protecting the retina against oxidative damage, particularly from excessive sunlight exposure. Meanwhile, early data suggests astaxanthin, in conjunction with other nutrients, will boost problems affecting the center of the eye as well.

  • Helping bone strength:

Shrimp and shellfish have both phosphorous as well as vitamin D too. Besides, working with calcium, the supplied nutrients will help strengthen bones, subsequently lessening the risk of bone fractures and even osteoporosis later down the road particularly. 

  • Helping brain health:

Surely, Shrimp has tryptophan, that is thought to trigger the mood-lifting hormone known as serotonin. Moreover, the combination of shrimp’s omega-3 and even vitamin B12 content can improve brain function especially, maintaining it sharp and alert, and plus preventing against Alzheimer’s disease too.

  • Wards Off Cancer

In fact, the potent antioxidant properties of both astaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acids might exhibit protective and inhibitory can impact on cancer, thus decreasing the growth of cancerous cells too.

  • Women’s Health

Certainly, shrimp will be an integral food item to benefit women’s health and besides Astaxanthin has been shown to decrease hot flashes, joint pain, and moodiness which usually surfaces during menopause too. Besides, the contribution of omega-3 fatty acids might ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, known as PMS, such as mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability, and even depression as well.

Marketing size of Superb Vannamei Shrimp

Marketing size of Superb Vannamei Shrimp

First of all things you should know that the whiteleg shrimp, usually called Vannamei (Litopanaeus vannamei) is counted as one of the most famous cultured shrimp species in the world. In addition, Europe will offer excellent opportunities to Vannamei shrimp exporters and producers in the next few years as the demand for cheaper shrimps, such as Vannamei shrimps, is expected to raising at the expense of black tiger shrimp imports as well.

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