Dried small shrimp to export in 2020

Dried small shrimp is a delicious seafood dish that has become very popular due to its excellent food source and health benefits. This delicious seafood has many properties and nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, sodium, phosphorus as well as vitamins A, B, and E. By consuming dried small shrimp, you can benefit from the properties of these shrimps. You can eat dried shrimp as a snack or you can use these shrimps in preparing various foods.

Dried small shrimp to export in 2020

Notable cases about dried small shrimp

Notable cases about dried small shrimp

Buying dried shrimp is especially suitable for people who have difficulty eating red meat and people who are sensitive to the smell of seafood. Because these shrimps are very tasty and do not have any smell and are rich in iron. The dry shrimp production process is such that fresh shrimp are transported to the dry shrimp processing plant. At this stage, after the shrimps are completely washed, they are cooked and then the skins and heads of the shrimps are removed.

After washing, the shrimps are boiled in boiling water saturated with salt for 15 minutes. In the next step, the shrimps are poured into a centrifuge and return about 90% of their juice. The shrimps are transferred from the centrifuge to the steel mesh trays and are exposed to direct sunlight or inside the dryer for complete drying. After the final control, the dried shrimps are packed with the highest quality and in a completely hygienic and standard way and are offered for customers to use in domestic and foreign markets.

Exporting dried small shrimp in 2020

Exporting dried small shrimp in 2020 Dried shrimp is produced by this company with the best quality. By producing first-class dried shrimp, this company offers the best-dried shrimp to consumers in completely standard and hygienic packages. This dry shrimp processing company has a specialized team for processing and processing dried shrimp, which uses the best methods to dry shrimp. Dried shrimp are usually exported to Southeast Asian and European countries and various Middle Eastern countries in various packages. Dried shrimp is known as an expensive and luxurious product such as caviar and is served in well-known and international restaurants and hotels. dried small shrimp price depends on several factors, the most important of which are:

  •  Shrimp size
  • Degree of shrimp dryness
  •  Product quality
  •  Shrimp type
  •  How to dry shrimp
  •  How to pack shrimp

Dried small shrimp is sold at a very reasonable price by this site and you can buy the best-dried shrimp at the most reasonable price through this site. By buying dried shrimp through this site, you can buy the best and highest quality dried shrimp cultivars in completely standard and hygienic packages. There are several ways to prepare dried shrimp. For information on dried small shrimp recipe, you should refer to reputable books and cooking sites.

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