Cuttlefish affordable prices in 2020

Cuttlefish belong to the genus Carp. This type of fish is mostly found in the Caspian Sea and rivers in Gilan and Mazandaran provinces. This type of fish is very popular among the people of northern Iran because this fish has very delicious meat. In this article, you will learn more about cheap northern fish prices.

Cuttlefish affordable prices in 2020

What are the different types of cuttlefish?

What are the different types of cuttlefish? Fish farming has existed in China since 1400 BC, but the way it was raised was very different. As you know, warm fish is blue and we can breed this type of fish in the tropics. Our beloved country Iran has also started raising fish in the south of the country in recent years. The fish are raised in a dense manner because this method is the most productive.

Fish farms produce a large amount of fish every day and need to be marketed to sell it so that they can sell their products. That is why fish farms in all small and large cities of the country have established agencies and fish. They send their messages directly to these agencies. These agencies have very low prices because they buy their products directly from the fish farming center, and they are also reputable and easier to trust.

Vegetarian prices at the fish market are much cheaper than in other markets. We mentioned at the beginning of the text that Iran is one of the largest exporters of fish abroad and we should pay attention to the fact that there should be agencies inside and outside the country for export.

Rational price for cuttlefish in 2020

Rational price for cuttlefish in 2020 As you know, not all countries have access to open waters and seas and can not catch fish from the high seas, but they can raise a variety of fish by creating the necessary conditions for fish in fish ponds.

Research and experiments have shown that fish contain a variety of nutrients that are necessary for all people in different age groups and should consume fish, and countries that do not have access to the sea or the possibility of fish farming for them. They do not buy fish fresh or processed from other countries.

Because the Caspian Sea is very suitable for fish growth and a large amount of fish is caught from this sea every year. Our beloved country Iran exports a large amount of juvenile fish to countries that want to raise fish in pond conditions every year. The export of Amur cuttlefish species has special conditions that we must all meet.

  • Exports should be such that the country does not face shortages.
  • Fish are not carriers of any disease and do not endanger human health.
  • Do not catch fish during the spawning season as this will cause the fish to become extinct.
  • There should be centers inside and outside the country that have sufficient supervision over all these stages.

Exporting cuttlefish season live is more expensive and also more difficult because the fish have to survive from origin to destination, but the products are easier to transport. All these costs affect the price of fish, and therefore the price of fish in foreign markets is higher than in domestic markets.

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