Cheap Sea Shrimps for Sale

Sea Shrimp are among the best types of crustaceans that live in saltwater and freshwater, and are divided into two categories: saltwater and freshwater shrimp, each of which has its own unique characteristics. In our homeland, Iran, the only freshwater shrimp is imported from freshwater species and is bred at a very limited level in the west of the country. The main difference between this species of shrimp (or king shrimp) and marine shrimp and saltwater farming (Vanami species) is that it has long claws in Iran and also that it can be grown in swimming pools and non-coastal farms. if you want to know about mantis shrimp, and shrimp classification; read on.

Cheap Sea Shrimps for Sale

Sea Shrimp vs farmed shrimp

Sea Shrimp vs farmed shrimp

Wild (or marine) and consumable shrimp in Iran can be caught only in the southern waters of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman, and in all four southern provinces, and are widely marketed. But in the breeding industry, we only have a species that is not native to Iran, but its production and expansion of domestic and export consumption is currently about six times that of marine extraction, and its production is still increasing every year. It is interesting to know that this type of breeding is also present next to the waters of the Caspian Sea in the northern province of Golestan and is cultivated like the south by the sea and by pumping sea water in the farms connected to the coast. Therefore, it is clear that the main factors in determining prices in these two shrimp farms are largely different from each other, and given that the bulk of shrimp farming goes to global markets and exports, and on the other hand eighty percent of production and export of shrimp farms worldwide. It forms a disorder.

How Sea Shrimp is Produced?

How Sea Shrimp is Produced?	Reproductive shrimp migrate from the coast to the deep sea at the time of reproduction. After 12 to 18 hours of spawning in these areas, the eggs hatch into a small creature called Nauplius, and after two days into Protozoa and 6 days later into mice. After 4 days, the mausoleum is transformed into a post larva, which at this stage is quite similar to its parents. For example, 15 PL means a larval post that has passed 15 days of life, and at this stage the post larvae (20PL_15PL) are shrimp larvae for transport. Introducing the shrimp farms are prepared.

Best Cheapest Sea Shrimps

Best Cheapest Sea Shrimps	When buying, the customer first buys the price of the best shrimp king in the country’s market from the manufacturer; then, by comparing the prices, he can buy the best product with high quality and reasonable price. The import of king prawns meets the needs of consumers. Many customers welcome this food. Shrimp king is the best type of this dish, which is very large and delicious. They also have more properties.

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