Dried anchovy price on the market

dried anchovy price on the market According to the exchange rate and the dollar, the amount of demand, its quality and brand are determined.The major dried anchovy company of the south with suitable quality is a producer of dried fish in excellent quality and cheap price. Contact us for more information.

Dried anchovy price on the market

How long does dried anchovies last?

How long does dried anchovies last? Salting fish alone can not maintain the shelf life of seafood for a long time and therefore most products are dried after salting. Drying means taking moisture from the product. This can be done in different ways, but adding salt, applying mechanical pressure and evaporating moisture from the surface of the product are the most common methods used in this case. Drying of seafood is used as a storage method in some cases alone, but its combined use with salting or smoking is more efficient and increases the shelf life of the product.

The use of mechanical pressure method is never able to remove the necessary moisture and create a stable product, so it is necessary to always use this method in combination with other methods, especially with the evaporation method so that all these methods can absorb moisture. Reduce to the desired level. The oldest method of dried anchovy, which may be the best, is by evaporating water from the surface of the crop. Moisture evaporation can be done both naturally and artificially. In its natural form, the product is exposed to the sun on special hangers. High ambient humidity is also one of the limitations that makes it impossible to use this method, because if the relative humidity is higher than 75%, the salt fish will absorb the moisture benefit.

The artificial drying method involves placing the product in a closed dryer, and because the air that enters the dryer is regulated in terms of temperature and humidity, environmental conditions will not affect the reduction of product humidity.

The time required for drying depends on a set of factors such as air circulation, temperature and relative humidity, and usually takes several hours. It is recommended to use cool rooms and air flow created by a fan to dry the dried anchovy. In industry, however, this is done in a smoking room by raising the temperature. dried anchovy recipe It is done traditionally and industrially, the traditional method is very simple and easy.

Latest price of dried anchovy in 2020

Latest price of dried anchovy in 2020 The price of dried anchovy varies according to various parameters such as quality, brand, market fluctuations and supply and demand. The properties of dried anchovy and its dried anchovy applications has led to the abundance of dried anchovy production factories today and the dried fish distribution company in the south as well as many other cities in Iran to be able to meet the needs of the Iranian market between products. And even export dried anchovy to neighboring countries.

Paying attention to the mentioned factors will enable you to have a safe purchase. Online purchase of dried anchovy powder is done through this center. Another factor when preparing a variety of products, including dried anchovy, is the price.

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