Highest quality prawns business growth

There are several types of shrimp, including king prawns, lobsters, and freshwater crayfish, all of which are similar to the shrimp family. Lobster is essentially the king of shrimp, which, like shrimp, is native to saltwater, but the long-lived freshwater crab is very similar to Highest quality prawns, but lives in freshwater. To buy different types of shrimp with quality guarantee, you can have better purchases from reputable centers, both in person and online.

Highest quality prawns business growth

Is it OK to eat prawns everyday?

Is it OK to eat prawns everyday?

If you do not stare too much at the tiny black eyes and the long, slender mustache and cockroach legs, and your curiosity does not cause you to touch his body, you may be able to taste it for once. With this sea locust, which is called shrimp, they prepare a variety of foods such as shrimp pilaf, shrimp roe, fried shrimp, shrimp stew and shrimp chips. If the shrimp is cooked well, the smell of it will disappear and if it is boiled with some vegetables, like all kinds of fish, it will be of great benefit to the body.

But how true is the saying that shrimp has cholesterol but does not raise blood cholesterol? High Shrimp Cholesterol … There are different opinions about shrimp cholesterol. Some people believe that shrimp is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and the presence of this fat causes good cholesterol to rise in the blood instead of bad cholesterol.

A number of sources also compare shrimp cholesterol with eggs and believe that prawn nutritional benefits cholesterol is one-third that of egg cholesterol, but the fact is that shrimp have the most cholesterol among seafood and, if we compare shrimp with tuna, calories, It has higher saturated fat and cholesterol.

Business growth of Highest quality prawns

Business growth of Highest quality prawns

The best shrimp are usually caught in the south of the country. Lobster also has different species in the world, but only one species lives in Aras Dam and Anzali Wetland, and one species lives in the Persian Gulf. So the best type of lobster is the same species found in these areas, but in terms of quality, the price of shrimp and lobster in the country market depends on its size and freshness.

Therefore, in order to get the price of the best shrimp and also the price of live shrimp king, it is better to inquire from reputable agencies in your city, or get the necessary information from the sites dedicated to these agencies. The export of shrimp is mostly related to the wholesale sale of lobster and the export of dried shrimp, in addition to its frozen species.

Because Persian shrimp king is very similar to European species and in addition to China and neighboring countries, European countries also buy this species. In factories, ordinary prawns benefits for hair, which are cheaper than others, are mostly produced and packaged for domestic consumption. And to buy cheaper, you can go to the factory or its related agencies.

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