dried shrimp exporting countries in 2021

Dried shrimp, due to its many benefits and various uses in people’s daily meals, has caused its supply to grow significantly in the country, and this is always done by its suppliers in different ways. Various are possible. Also, today, the direct and major supply of shrimp in all places, is one of the most cost-effective measures, so that this has led to many positive effects in reducing the final price of this product and people from This way they can easily get this shrimp at a cheaper price. For more information about dried shrimp exporting countries, visit our site.

dried shrimp exporting countries in 2021

What are the major shrimp producing countries?

What are the major shrimp producing countries? One of the most valuable aquaculture products that has experienced rapid growth and development in recent decades is shrimp. According to the World Food Organization, at least 25 species of shrimp have been introduced to aquaculture in the world. However, many of these species have been considered in specific geographical areas. Vanamei, Monodon, Japanese, Chinese, Banana, Indian, White, Monoseros and Steelyrostris are some of the more productive species, although Vanami is currently more widely used for a variety of reasons, including relative resistance to common diseases in non-native locations.

Comparable (80% of farmed shrimp production belongs to this species) with other species. In 2015, Monodon species with a share of 14.6% with a relatively large distance is the second most endangered species and the share of other species is only about 5.4%. The production of farmed shrimp in the world in 2015, according to the report of the World Food Organization, was 4.875 / 793 tons, which compared to the first year of the current decade (2010) had a growth of 34.3%.
Shrimp farming has taken place on 5 continents and in freshwater, brackish and brackish waters, and according to the World Food Organization in 2015, more than 25 farmed species participated in this amount of production, although the Vanamei species is very far from other species. Are in the forefront of global production of this product.

It is noteworthy that the growth rate of shrimp production during the 3 years leading up to 2015 was 17% in the breeding sector and 3.3% in the natural water catchment sector, while during the 5 year period leading to 2016, the growth rate of trade between Shrimp International has grown by 44%, reflecting the growing market demand for this aquatic product.

dried shrimp exporting countries in Asia

dried shrimp exporting countries in Asia Our country Iran is one of the dried shrimp exporting countries in Asia and exports this product to other countries with different packages and cheaper prices. Due to the properties of this product, its wholesale price is affordable for buyers. You can refer to our official site to buy and how to export this product.

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