Cuttlefish exporters in the global market

The octopus and the genus Sepia pharaonis have eight legs (six short and two long), a pair of eyes, a mouth with two non-jaw teeth, and a bag-like body that is ironed. Cattle Bone is an elliptical, spongy bone; In addition to stabilizing the shape of the animal, it protects the internal organs and organs. For more information about Cuttlefish exporters in the global market, visit our site.

Cuttlefish exporters in the global market

What are common cuttlefish adaptations?

What are common cuttlefish adaptations?

The characteristic of the heads is their head, which is in the form of symmetrical branches. They are mollusks of the octopus family, which live deep in the water during the day and come to the surface at night to feed. Using their 10 arms, the squids pull the fish into their beak-like mouths. The length of their giant species reaches 13 meters. With the help of millions of color cells, this animal can easily change the color of its skin in accordance with the environment; Therefore, squid are able to disappear completely on the seabed.

Hundreds of tons of this valuable fish are exported by fishermen every year, after processing in processing companies, in whole or in fillets, to far or near countries. In Bushehr province, the fishing season of this fish starts from February of each year and continues until May of the following year, and as one of the non-oil products, in addition to creating employment, processing and exporting it, it generates currency.

Squid is the highest species of fish that has a round and spindle-shaped body. The body color of this creature is dark blue to black on the back and silver on the sides and abdomen with elliptical spots. Unlike other white meat fish, these fish have dark pink or red meat. The reason for the red color in the meat of these organisms is the high amount of myoglobin or the protein content of red iron in the muscle. The firm flesh of this fish has a lot of protein and vitamins in terms of nutritional value and is usually found in the seas of the Persian Gulf and Bushehr. Squid differs in nutrition from a variety of fish and feeds mostly on crustaceans, especially larvae, molars, and shrimp.. Now we will discuss why this fish is called squid because this fish spreads a compound like water and black in the water when it is in danger. It should be mentioned that this fish camouflages itself in water and despite having millions of cells on its skin. Can easily adapt to the environment

It is interesting to know that the Chinese used the ink of this fish in the distant past to write. Another property of squid is the high levels of phosphorus in its meat, which is useful for diseases such as back pain and uterine diseases. For more information about cuttlefish facts, you can visit our site.

Exporting top grade cuttlefish in 2020

Exporting top grade cuttlefish in 2020

They feed on larvae, crabs, oysters, as well as snails and other smaller organisms, and feed themselves on seagulls, jaws, samurai, and larger species. For more information about cuttlefish adaptations and Exporting top grade cuttlefish in 2020, visit our site.

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