Premium prawns Market value

Major South Shrimp is offered in the domestic market at very reasonable prices for purchase. Shrimp meat is very soft, flexible and tasty. It can be seen in different types, large and small, in the market. These shrimps are completely healthy and of high quality. Premium prawns is used in the preparation of various stews and salads.

Premium prawns Market value

How many prawns can you eat in a week?

How many prawns can you eat in a week?

New research shows that to have a healthy heart, we need to use fish in our food basket. Researchers on fish consumption have concluded that those who eat fish in their diet are far from diseases such as heart failure, stroke and high blood pressure.

Evidence from this research shows that those who have substituted beef and mutton for beef and mutton and other red meats are far healthier and far from heart attacks and strokes. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish prevent fats from accumulating in the cells and arteries of the heart, resulting in less inflammation of the arteries.

Which is one of the problems of people in society. As the inflammation of the arteries decreases, the heart rhythm returns to normal, the arteries prawns benefits more flexible, and as a result, blood cholesterol is reduced. Based on the evidence obtained from those who regularly eat fish, it shows that: People who eat fatty fish at least once a week (meaning the fat in the fish itself, not the fried fish) have a 50 percent lower risk of heart failure.

Even eating fish once a week can prevent blood clots in the brain and stroke. The risk of kidney disease in people who eat fish four times a week is reduced by at least 22%. Consumption of fish means grilled, grilled and grilled fish. Consumption of fried fish is not only not useful, but its harm is many times more than not eating fish. Consume fish that has a lot of fat in fish meat.

Market value of Premium prawns

Market value of Premium prawns

The price of farmed shrimp is determined according to criteria such as the type of shrimp classification, appearance, supply and packaging; Fortunately, the necessary grounds have been provided for immediate supply and communication between producers and consumers so that buyers can access these products cheaper.

Iranian farmed shrimp have a price guarantee, which means that consumers are assured that the products are offered to them at the lowest possible prices; The products in question are sold in bulk, so buyers can buy them at any rate and at low prices.

The high nutritional and economic value of first-class and high-quality Iranian prawns nutrition is an important and influential factor in its export; Following the widespread export of farmed shrimp to various countries, especially European countries, there is a significant profit, employment and currency appreciation.

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